July 10, 2012

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon: Update & Mini Challenges

Update for Monday 7/9:

I started out a bit late in the day yesterday, but I was able to read The Little Woods by McCormick Templeman. I'm pretty happy with my progress so far. I'll be trying to start earlier today and get more read. 

Today, for Day #2, I'll be reading Dead Radiance by T.G. Ayer and hopefully at least starting Some Kind of Fairy Tale by Graham Joyce.

Mini Challenge: Day #2 - Hosted by Kindle Fever

Once upon a time there was a bookish fight…

As the story teller, I now want you to tell me which two characters are fighting and WHY! If you want to, you’re also more than welcome to guess the outcome. ;)

It doesn’t have to be anything too detailed; we’re here to have fun!

If I had to choose two book characters to fight each other, I would go with a nice cat fight. I'd put Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter up against Rachel Morgan from Kim Harrison's Hollows series.
WHY? Because Bellatrix is a nasty bully who thinks she is the best witch on earth - she need brought down a peg - or several. She needs her ass kicked. Rachel Morgan is a chick who will not put up with any BS. She would totally kick Bellatrix's butt and then some. She'd teach her a lesson that wouldn't soon be forgotten - she would put Bellatrix in her place. 

Leave a comment if you're participating so I can check out your goals & progress!

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