
September 15, 2012

Stacking the Shelves: 8/26 - 9/15

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme where we can share what books and bookish items we bought, won, traded, borrowed, or got for review.

Again - I have neglected doing this post for a couple of weeks. SO - this is going to be another whopper. 

For Review - Physical Copies

Companions of the Night - Vivian Vande Velde
Scary School - Derek the Ghost + postcard
Blood Wounds - Susan Beth Pfeffer
The Body of Christopher Creed - Carol Plum-Ucci
Following Christopher Creed - Carol Plum-Ucci
The Keeper of Lost Causes - Jussi Adler-Olsen
The Absent One - Jussi Adler-Olsen
One Last Thing Before I Go - Jonathan Tropper
The Prophet - Michael Koryta
The Fifty Year Sword - Mark Z. Danielewski
The Last Dragonslayer - Jasper Fforde
The Shadowy Horses - Susanna Kearsley
Beautiful Lies - Clare Clark
Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond - Kim Harrison
Romeo Spikes - Joanne Reay
Broken - A.E. Rought
Pure - Julianna Baggot
The Infects - Sean Beaudoin
Stormdancer - Jay Kristoff
Envy - Elizabeth Miles
The Suburban Strange - Nathan Kotecki
Entice - Jessica Shirvington
Dearly, Beloved - Lia Habel
Middle Ground - Katie Kacvinsky
Tyger Tyger - Kersten Hamilton
Legends of the Dragonrealm: Shade - Richard A. Knaak
Wolf Hall - Hilary Mantel
Bring Up the Bodies - Hilary Mantel
If the Buddha Had Kids: Raising Children to Create a More Peaceful World - Charlotte Kasl
Vessel - Sarah Beth Durst
Little Star - John Ajvide Lindqvist
This Book is Full of Spiders - David Wong
Incarnation - Emma Cornwall
Envy - Gregg Olsen
Betrayal - Gregg Olsen
The Hiding Place - David Bell

A GINORMOUS thank you to Houghton Mifflin Children's Books; Candlewick Press; Simon & Schuster; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Gallery Books; Thomas Dunne Books; Splinter; NAL; 
Dutton Adult; Little, Brown and Company; Pantheon; Sourcebooks Landmark; Harper Voyager; Strange Chemistry; Grand Central Publishing; Sourcebooks Fire; Del Rey; and Henry Holt and Company for sending me all of these amazing books for review!

For Review - eBooks

A big thanks goes out to St. Martin's Griffin, Zondervan, William Morrow, Simon & Schuster, Curiosity Quills Press, Omnific Publishing, Random House, MIRA Ink, Penguin, Kensington, and authors Kailin Gow, Michelle Maddow, Jill Cooper, Melissa Pearl, Susannah Noel, Rae Hachton, K.C. Neal, and to Netgalley and Edelweiss for letting me review these great books!


The Diviners (signed!) by Libba Bray - From Kristen @ Seeing Night Book Reviews  
Carnival of Souls by Melissa Marr - From Hannah @ In the Best Worlds 

$20 Amazon gift card - From Damaris @ Good Choice Reading
Diviners swag - From Hannah @ In the Best Worlds 
Skylark (signed!) by Meagan Spooner and signed Skylark swag - From Giselle @ Xpresso Reads
The Paranormals Trilogy (signed!) by JL Bryan - From JL Bryan
Dastardly Bastard by Edward Lorn (signed) - From Red Adept Publishing
The Vanishing Game by Kate Kae Myers - From J.R. Johannson 
A Witch in Love by Ruth Warburton + swag - From A Cupcake and a Latte
The Malice of Fortune by Michael Ennis - From Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree 
$5 Amazon gift card - From Pandora Poikilos @ Peace from Pieces 

Signed TEN bookmark - From Gretchen McNeil for being a part of the Army of Ten
Signed Innocent Darkness swag - From Suzanne Lazear for being a part of the Innocent Darkness Street Team

Whew! That was a quite a haul over the past couple of weeks! What did you get for your shelves? Leave a comment!  


  1. WOW. Your haul makes mine look small. This is just amazing. Some of them are brand new to me. Come visit me as well.


  2. Dang, a couple weeks worth? that's A LOT!!!! Hope you enjoy them all!


  3. I thought I had a lot of books this week, mine is nothing compared to this. There are so many awesome books here.

    This Week's Book Haul on Melissa's Midnight Musings

  4. Goodness gracious! It's so beautiful... like a dream! I really want to read envy by miles because I'm just super curious about it! Great haul!

    Shae @ Understanding Shae's Story
