
September 24, 2012

The Last Year Tour: Reviews & Giveaway!


Whispers in Autumn (The Last Year #1)
Author: Trisha Leigh
Genre: YA Science Fiction/Dystopia
Release Date: July 24, 2012


In 2015, a race of alien Others conquered Earth. They enslaved humanity not by force, but through an aggressive mind control that turned people into contented, unquestioning robots. 

Except sixteen-year-old Althea isn’t content at all, and she doesn’t need the mysterious note inside her locket to tell her she’s Something Else. It also warns her to trust no one, so she hides the pieces that make her different, even though it means being alone. 

Then she meets Lucas, everything changes. 

Althea and Lucas are immune to the alien mind control, and together they search for the reason why. What they uncover is a stunning truth the Others never anticipated, one with the potential to free the brainwashed human race. 

It’s not who they are that makes them special, but what.

And what they are is a threat. One the Others are determined to eliminate for good.


Whispers in Autumn is the first book in the Last Year series, a young adult dystopian that follows Althea and Lucas as they discover the truth about who and what they are, and as they try to bring down the Others before humanity is destroyed.

I found this to be a really engaging and interesting novel. The writing was very well done and the plot line was amazing. I was hooked from the first page and I couldn't stop reading until the last sentence. The story takes place in a dystopian future - one that is super creepy - but the author did such a great job at world building that it didn't seem impossible that it could happen in our future. The characters are unique and I immediately felt connected to Althea and her struggle with loneliness and feeling like she was somehow wrong in the world. I really liked the character of Lucas - he was the yin to Althea's yang and they make a great team in the novel. The other characters - especially the Others and those that work for them - were written in a very edgy and chilling way. 

The setting was intricate and was easy to visualize, which worked well with it being set in a dystopian future. I thought the plot was refreshing and brought something really intriguing to the genre. The vocabulary that is used just added to the mystery and otherworldliness of the book, which I thought was a good fit. This book definitely leaves you at the edge of your seat, trying to figure out what's really going on and what will happen next. It was a great start to a series I'm sure will be just as amazing as the first book proved to be.

Winter Omens (The Last Year #2)
Expected Release Date: September 25, 2012


Althea and Lucas barely escaped the Others’ clutches in the autumn, and were separated in the process. Alone and on the run from the cruel alien race determined to exterminate her, Althea struggles to adapt and survive in a world she never imagined. 

When a boy named Pax appears out of nowhere, he quickly recognizes Althea for what she is – a human/Other hybrid just like him. Althea begs him to help her find Lucas, but Pax refuses, intent on following his own mysterious agenda. 

The Others’ presence continues to devour the planet’s resources, and if history is an indication, they won’t leave until Earth is destroyed beyond repair. Althea and Pax sense the only way to save themselves – and maybe their home – is to understand the powers simmering inside them. 

Together they push the limits of their capabilities in the quiet Wilds, but are soon confronted with a terrifying fact: no place is safe from the relentless pursuit of the Others.

Least of all their own minds.


Winter Omens, the second installment in the Last Year series, picks up right where the first book ended and just keeps running. We are again following along with Althea and Lucas on their mission to find out the truth of who they really are, what their destiny is, and what exactly the Others have planned. They are on a quest to save the world before it's too late.

Just like the first book in the series, this one is full of action and twists that have you desperately turning pages to find out what will happen next. The characters continue to be likeable and easy to identify with. The incredibly detailed plot line and world building that was in the first novel is carried seemlessly into this book and only proves to become creepier and more mysterious. The book was very well written and the storyline fast paced, which made this a great page turner. I was immediately sucked right back into the story and it felt like I was right there beside Althea and Lucas as they tried to come to terms with who they are and in their fight against the Others. I really liked the twists and surprises that the author unveiled in this book - I never saw most of them coming. Again, this was a book I couldn't put down until I finished it and now I'll be anxiously awaiting the third book's release. This is a highly engaging dystopian series that YA lovers will devour!


   a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds interesting! Thank you for the giveaway.

  2. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    They sound so so good! Great concept:)

    Thank you for the reviews:)

  3. Fabulous reviews! Funnily enough, we gave them both the same rating! Great story! :D

  4. Great covers and the story is so beautiful. I love your reviews, thank you for the givbeaway!

  5. Mmm...mind control. I'd love to read these! And great covers, too! Thanks for the giveaway!
