
August 14, 2013

A to Z Bookish Survey!

Hey everyone! I haven't been participating in memes lately, mostly because my blog has been all about tours. But once I saw that Jamie over at The Perpetual Page-Turner put up this bookish survey - I knew I had to participate! I've always loved taking surveys and quizzes - and I thought this might give you (my lovely readers) a chance to get to know me a bit better! Read on! :)

Author you’ve read the most books from:

Author you’ve read the most books from:
Author you’ve read the most books from:
Author you’ve read the most books from:
uthor you’ve read the most books from:
uthor you’ve read the most books from:
Author you've read the most books from: 
Anne Rice! I've read her entire vampire chronicles books, her witches trilogy, and several of her other stand-alones. I own every single book she's ever written! :)

Best Sequel Ever:

Best Sequel Ever: 
 Spirit and Dust by Rosemary Clement-Moore

Currently Reading:
Earthbound by Aprilynne Pike

Drink of Choice While Reading: 
Diet Dr. Pepper 

 E-reader or Physical Book?
 I'm old school all the way! I'll always pick a print book over an ebook. There's just something about them - the pretty covers, being able to turn the pages as you read - it's so comforting to me.

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Dated in High School: 
Hmm... this is a hard one. I love guys that are sweet, kind, protective, and smart. So maybe Edward Cullen (I KNOW! Don't make fun of me!), Lincoln from The Violet Eden Chapters, or Tom from When the World Was Flat (And We Were in Love). Also, Dante Walker. He starts off as a jerk but is actually total love muffin underneath! 

Glad You Gave This Book a Chance: 
On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves and The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski

I usually don't go for contemporary romance books, but I read both of these for blog tours. I was blown away by how much I ended up loving them!!

Hidden Gem Book: 
The Pretty When She Dies Series by Rhiannon Frater. These books are AMAZING!!

Important Moment in Your Reading Life: 
Starting my blog! I started blogging to write down my thoughts about the books I read and to hopefully help some people decide whether to read them or not. Little did I know then how big the book blogging community was and how AWESOME it is!!

Just Finished:
The Fairest of Them All by Carolyn Turgeon

Kinds of Books You Won't Read: 
Erotica, most romance novels - especially the historical/contemporary kind that have dudes that look like Fabio on the cover. No thanks! Not my style at all.

Longest Book You've Ever Read:
  The Witching Hour by Anne Rice (1207 pages)

Major Book Hangover Because Of:
When the World Was Flat (And We Were in Love) by Ingrid Jonach - this one really affected me and I couldn't pick up another book for like 3 days after finishing it!

Number of Bookcases You Own:
  I have 10 that are 5 shelf and 1 that is a 3 shelf. That doesn't count all the books that are piled on top of each one, stacked on top of and in front of books on shelves, and the 7 massive piles I have on my library floor.

One Book You Have Read Multiple Times: 
The Harry Potter series - I honestly can't remember how many times I've read it, but it's a lot.

Preferred Place to Read:
  I have my end of the couch with an end table where I keep a few books I'm reading. Plus, I tend to read outside when it's nice and in the bathtub.

Quote that Inspires You/Gives You the Feels From a Book You've Read:
"So often we only do what we think is expected of us, when we are capable of so much more." - Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

Reading Regret:
  I regret not having read more classic novels - I can still fix that though!

Series You Started And Need To Finish (all books are out in the series):
The Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris

Three of Your All-Time Favorite Books:
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
Splintered by A.G. Howard
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Unapologetic Fangirl For:
The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. I know a lot of people didn't like it, but I absolutely loved it and I'm not ashamed!! Also, I totally fangirl over A.G. Howard to anyone who will listen!

Very Excited For This Release More Than All the Others:
UNHINGED by A.G. Howard!!! DUH! (If you're clueless, see my answers above.) 

Worst Bookish Habit:
  Going on ridiculous book buying sprees. Even though I know I don't have room for them and I probably have ARCs of them - I will buy them anyways! And it seems like if there's a book section in a store - Target, Walmart - or at the bookstore itself - I always manage to find at least one that I must have.

X Marks the Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:
YA Section: Long Lankin by Lindsey Barraclough
Adult: The Whisperer by Donato Carrisi

(Yes, I have my shelves organized like a library/bookstore! There's a section for YA books, another for adult books, one for nonfiction/reference, and another for review books.)

 Your Latest Book Purchase:
The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling) and Indelible by Dawn Metcalf

ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):
The Fairest of Them All by Carolyn Turgeon. I HAD to see what was going to happen, so I ended up reading it until the end - and that came at 4:00 AM.

 Did you participate in the survey? If you did, leave me a link!



Author you’ve read the most books from:
Author you’ve read the most books from:

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