December 10, 2012

Find You in the Dark Blog Tour: Character Interview

Find You in the Dark
Author: A. Meredith Walters
Genre: YA/New Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 10, 2012


Maggie Young had the market on normal. Normal friends, normal parents, normal grades...normal life.

Until him.

Clayton Reed was running from his past and an army of personal demons that threatened to take him down. He never thought he had a chance at happiness.

Until her.

Maggie thought their love could overcome anything. Clay thought she was all he needed to fix his messy life.

That together, they could face the world.

But the darkness is always waiting.

Sometimes the greatest obstacle to true love is within yourself.

Today I have Maggie, the main character of Find You in the Dark, here with me to answer some questions!
Me: Are you a morning person?  
Maggie: Not really.  I hate mornings.  The whole getting out of bed, rushing around to get ready.  It sort of sucks.  Though I'm not a night person either.  I can't stay up passed midnight to save my life.  I guess you could say I'm a "mid day" sort of person.  That's about the time I've fully woken up but before I get tired and want to go to bed, LOL.

Me: What are your hobbies or interests? 
Maggie: I've always enjoyed cooking.  Though I don't get much of a chance to try anything out.  When I was younger I used to love to help my mom make dinner.  It's probably one of my favorite memories.  I do make a mean chicken parmesan.  

Me: What grosses you out? 
Maggie: People who don't blow their nose when it's super obvious that they need to.  All that sniffling and wiping makes me want to throw up.  Our vice-principal, Mr. Kane, is a perfect example.  He's always stuffed up but NEVER BLOWS HIS NOSE!  I mean, can't he feel all that snot up there?  Ugh!  It makes me shudder even thinking about it.

Me: What was your most embarassing moment?  
Maggie: Do I have to pick just one?  Well, I guess it was this time in middle school.  It was school picture day, I think.  I had gone to the bathroom and when I came out, I guess I tucked my skirt into my underwear.  I walked around for a good thirty minutes with my knickers on display.  And they were these humiliating Christmas theme panties with little candy canes and everything!  It wasn't until Rachel told me that my butt was hanging out, that I realized I had done it.  You'd think I would have felt the breeze on my backside.  But nope...I guess I understood why everyone seemed to be laughing at me.

Me: How would you describe your relationship with Clayton? 
Maggie: Complicated.  Intense.  Amazing.  When it's good, it's fantastic.  When it's bad, it rips my heart out.  I would give everything and anything to that boy.  I know this sounds incredibly cliched, but he's sort of like that missing piece.  When we're together, it's easy to forget everything else.  And that's why it's easy to forgive the crazy things he does.  Because of those good times.  I try to make myself believe that they make up for everything else.

Me: Do you have an embarrassing habit?  
Maggie: Um...well I don't know if this is embarrassing...but it grosses Rachel and Daniel out. I tend to dip everything in chocolate pudding.  Chips, fries, chicken nuggets.  It sounds nasty, but I swear it's really good.  People tend to get a little green when they see me do it.

Me: Do you have a lifelong dream or aspiration?  
Maggie: I used to want to be a meteorologist.  Strange, I know.  But I used to be obsesses with watching The Weather Channel.  I would come home from school and be glued to Jim Cantore...the guy is HOT.  But now, after everything that's happened recently, I think I'd like to be a counselor.  Someone who can help other people and maybe find a way to make life a little easier for those who suffer from trauma and mental illness.

Me: When was the last time you cried and why?
Maggie: The day I received Clay's letter in the mail.  That was a really bad day.  Before that I seemed to cry all the time.  And this from someone who never used to cry at all.  I was in a very dark place.  But since the letter, I've made a conscientious effort to put the tears aside.  Crying doesn't solve anything and I'm determined to find happiness again.  However I can.

Me: What's the last book you read? 
Maggie: I just finished reading Evermore by Alyson Noel.  I'm a sucker for a story where love conquers all.  If only real life were that simple.

Me: What music are you listening to right now?  
Maggie: I've been channeling my inner Emo girl lately and have listened to everything by Death Cab for Cutie.  I love their song, "Follow You into the Dark."  Seems really appropriate right now.
Thank you Maggie for stopping by and chatting with us today!
AND - Don't forget to stop back on December 20th to read my review of Find You in the Dark! 

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