August 6, 2017

When I Am Through With You Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway

When I Am Through With You
Author: Stephanie Kuehn
Genre: YA Contemporary Mystery
Release Date: August 1, 2017
Publisher: Dutton Books for Young Readers
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“This isn’t meant to be a confession. Not in any spiritual sense of the word. Yes, I’m in jail at the moment. I imagine I’ll be here for a long time, considering. But I’m not writing this down for absolution and I’m not seeking forgiveness, not even from myself. Because I’m not sorry for what I did to Rose. I’m just not. Not for any of it.”
Ben Gibson is many things, but he’s not sorry and he’s not a liar. He will tell you exactly about what happened on what started as a simple school camping trip in the mountains. About who lived and who died. About who killed and who had the best of intentions. But he’s going to tell you in his own time. Because after what happened on that mountain, time is the one thing he has plenty of.
When I Am Through With You is an edgy YA thriller that will have readers eagerly devouring each page. There's no doubt that this author has great talent and I've enjoyed many of her previous novels. I really wanted to love this book - it had me intrigued since I read the description. I'm a huge fan of thrillers and this sounded really unique - which it was. There were some elements of the story that didn't appeal to me personally as a reader, and which ultimately made me not love this like I thought I was going to. This is solely my opinion and has nothing at all to do with the book or writing itself. The major issue I had was the setup of the story. It felt like nothing really happened until around page 150 - a little past half way. The plot up to that point was backstory and history of what happened to lead up to what I considered the main events. In all fairness, the book is written as if the main character - Ben - is telling the story of what went down from the beginning, so the chronology fits perfectly. I feel that if it had been less backstory and more focused on when things got out of control on the mountain, I would have loved it much more. For me, there was way too much buildup and not enough action. It's truly a novel about survival and the things people will do when faced with extreme circumstances.

The writing was fantastic in every way. I could easily close my eyes and see Ben and the others as the events unfold. The setting was brought to life by vivid imagery and incredibly detailed descriptions. Another huge plus for me was the author's use of the first person point of view - which is always a favorite for me. I loved that the book is told from Ben's perspective - it was the perfect fit and made all of the events feel more dramatic and personal. Ben was an interesting and complicated main character. I liked getting to know him - his history, relationships with each of the other characters, and all of his thoughts, feelings, emotions, and everything they come with. The plot was great - aside from what I mentioned above - and I really liked the story line after things start to spiral when they're on the mountain. Again, if more of the book was focused on that part instead of the backstory, I would've enjoyed it much more. Overall, this was a good book that fans of the author and the genre will want to pick up.
I grew up in Berkeley, California, which is a quirky sort of a place with many wonderful bookstores. When I was fifteen, my very first job was working in one of those bookstores. It’s where I would go after school, and I’d read everything that I could. Back then, some of the books that had the greatest impact on my life were young adult novels, and now, as an adult, I’ve found my own passion in writing for teens.

Other passions of mine include mental health advocacy, social justice, and sports of all kinds. When I’m not writing or reading (or studying for graduate school), I’m usually outside running or playing with my family. I currently live in Northern California with my husband, three kids, and our menagerie of pets. Life is loud, joyous, and filled with animal hair.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, my last name is pronounced keen. I know! I don’t get it either.

(3) copies of WHEN I AM THROUGH WITH YOU by Stephanie Kuehn will go to 3 winners

(1) winner will receive a copy of WHEN I AM THROUGH WITH YOU & THE SMALLER EVIL by Stephanie Kuehn

4 winners total
US Only 


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