Genre: YA Mythology/Retelling
A Touch of Gold is a thrilling mythological retelling of the story of King Midas and will leave readers desperate for more. I'm personally a big fan of mythology and folklore, and the YA trend of doing retellings is fascinating and something I really enjoy. This was definitely in that category. I generally remembered the tale of King Midas and how everything he touched turned to gold. But the author picks up after the so called "happily ever after" and tells a different version of the story - one that centers around King Midas' daughter, Kora. She's a fantastic main character and I really loved getting to know her throughout the book. She's incredibly realistic, even for a cursed girl with golden skin. She's smart, brave, determined - but she's human and has flaws like the rest of us. She feels useless and unloved by her father, she's been feared by almost everyone who has ever met her, and knows the stories people tell about her. Her past and her father's curse has crushed her and kept her hidden both physically and emotionally. But (of course) there has to be a handsome "prince charming" to help her and fall in love. I normally hate when a big romantic aspect is put into a novel that isn't based on that because it always seems to overshadow the actual story line. This time it didn't bother me at all and I actually found it rather sweet as Kora and Aris got to know each other. I liked watching their romance begin and then bloom during the course of the book.
The plot was a fascinating one right from the beginning and I loved the new spin the author put on this old myth. I was instantly pulled into Kora's world from the very beginning and I didn't leave it until I had finished the book - which ended up being a few hours in one sitting because I couldn't put it down. There's great use of detailed descriptions and vivid imagery to bring this world to life in front of the reader's eyes. I felt like I was right beside Kora during the entire story. One other aspect I have to mention because it's always a huge deal to me is the writing style. The author chose to write the story in the first person point of view from Kora's perspective - and I'm so incredibly happy that she did. I almost always prefer first person over any other style because it lets the reader really get to know and connect on a deeper level with the narrator. I always lost inside book that are written this way and I have the best time reading this style. It was definitely the same with this book and I loved that we see the story through Kora's eyes. This is just the first book in the series, which I'm so excited about because I can't wait to see where the author and the story will take us next. I highly recommend this novel to fans of YA, action, adventure, mythology, fairy tales, retellings, and romance.
(5) BLINK Summer Reading Tour Book Bundles (A Touch of Gold, Meet the Sky, No Place Like Here, Pretty In Punxsutawney, and Swing by Kwame Alexander) (USA)
Starts: 7/22/19
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