June 20, 2012

Wicked Wildfire Read-a-Thon: Day #1

Welcome to the Wicked Wildfire Read-a-Thon! It runs from June 20 to June 24. This is only my second read-a-thon I've participated in, and I'm really excited! I hope to get through some of my TBR pile that is overflowing at the moment.

I will be posting updates on my read-a-thon stats on this post, along with daily updates & challenges. I hope to hear from those of you participating on how your reading is going!

I have a bit of a problem though - before I even start! I have a TON of books on my TBR shelf and I am a bit overwhelmed with books that need reviewed as well. I don't know if I should read the books that need reviewed - there are indie authors as well as big name books that I've been wanting to read anyways. I am horrible at making decisions, so I don't know which books to read! Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I would be really grateful for some!!

I also kinda started this read-a-thon a bit early. I started a book last night, figuring I would finish it today and add it in for the updates. I ended up staying up super late and finishing it - I couldn't stop reading! I'll put it in the updates now and then update again at the end of the day. :)


Day 1
Pages Read Today: 181
Books Finished Today: 1 - Scars by Cheryl Rainfield
Total Pages Read: 181
Total Books Read:1

Day 2
Pages Read Today: 248
Books Finished Today: 1 - Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard
Total Pages Read: 429
Total Books Read: 2

Day 3
Pages Read Today:
Books Finished Today:
Total Pages Read:
Total Books Read: 

Day 4
Pages Read Today:
Books Finished Today:
Total Pages Read:
Total Books Read: 

Day 5
Pages Read Today:
Books Finished Today:
Total Pages Read:
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Final Total
Total Pages Read:
Total Books Read:

 Day #1 Challenge: Something Wicked This Way Comes hosted by Kindle Fever!

 Question: “A wildfire is quickly coming your way! What thing/s do you grab when you only have a few minutes to make it out?” (I’ve saved any people or pets in there already!)

My Answer: Thanks for saving my pets & loved ones! Now that I don't have to worry about their safety, I would grab my purse, my Nook Tablet, and as many of my favorite physical books as I could shove into a backpack (or garbage bag??) depending on the time I had. Signed copies & faves would go in first. Then I think I would just start whipping as many as I could in in the bag!

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