July 20, 2012

Marked (The Pack #1) Cover Reveal!

Marked (The Pack #1)
Author: Suzanne Cox
Release Date: July 23, 2012


Nightmares and sleepwalking haven’t made good bedfellows for Alexis Miller for the last year. Now that she’s been exiled to the swamps of Lebeaux, Louisiana to spend the summer with an aunt she barely knows, she’ll have to deal with the problem on her own. But Lebeaux has its own problems. People are dying here and no one seems to be able to stop it.

New friends and a new guy she’s falling in love with should make for a good summer, but Alexis’ nightmares and sleep walking are escalating and are populated with the wolves she sees lurking in the woods near her aunt’s home. The visions she’s seeing of blood and death has Alexis wondering what exactly she’s doing when she’s sleepwalking and the discovery of her aunt’s bloody shirt makes her question her Aunt Louise’s involvement in the recent deaths. Even the sheriff is giving Alexis accusing looks.

Before summer ends Alexis will learn an ominous truth. One that will change her life forever.

About the Author:

I remember writing my first stories when I was about nine or ten years old. I've been writing ever since. In 2002 I decided to seriously try and get some of my work published. On February 14th of 2005 I sold my first book, A Different Kind of Man, to Harlequin Superromance. While trying to decide what I wanted to be when I grew up, besides a writer, I went to college (alot) and worked a variety of jobs. I have a bachelor of arts in English with a minor in secondary education, a bachelor of science in nursing, a master of science in career and technical education with an emphasis in adult education and most recently, a master of science in nursing as a family nurse practitioner. I was also a National Board Certified Teacher in career and technical education. Along the way I've worked as a high school English teacher and an elementary teacher. I've worked as a registered nurse on a cardiac unit, brain injury rehab unit, and several different medical-surgical units. I've also done stints as a home health nurse and a commnunity health educator at a hospital, and many years as an allied health instructor at a high school career and technology center. Presently, I'm working full time as a family nurse practitioner at an inpatient psychiatric facility.

If I'm not writing I like to spend time reading. My husband and I share our home with our four legged children. Our boy and girl in puppy dog clothes, Toby and Sassy, who masquerade as Miniature Pinschers. We are also owned by three cats Chase, Jackson, and Spots.  We are all terrorized by Gray Kitty, a stray who decided to stay and take over.

Connect with Suzanne:

What do you think of the cover? Leave a comment!


  1. I think the cover's very suiting...the troubled girl in front with the spectral-ish wolf head in the background- that draws attention to the eyes. Seems to me that she's got a ton of unanswered questions with no one to ask...this is really reading into it after reading the blurb on the back and staring at the cover for 5 min lol.

    1. good job summing up a lot of things going on in the cover that are going on in the book too. I liked this cover but it was hard to find the right thing. Covers are just hard.

  2. Steph thanks so much for hosting the cover reveal. I love what claudia did with the cover. Can't wait for it to be available on the 23rd. Thanks again for hostessing!!
