Three Daves
Author: Nicki Elson

Release Date: February 16, 2010
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Buy Links: Kindle / Nook / Paperback
Jennifer Whitney was the last American virgin. At least that’s what she felt like in 1986 as she began her sophomore year at Central Illinois University. She was proud of her decision to wait for the right guy, and yet she was getting restless. It seemed like everyone around her was doing it... and having fun doing it, too. She didn’t want to become the campus slut or anything, but surely there was a difference between a trashy skank and a nice girl with a little experience. Perhaps it was time to stop relying on fate to guide her and instead take matters into her own hands. And with that realization, Jen decided to find “the one” and lose her virginity, although not necessarily in that order...
Author Interview with Nicki Elson
Writing wasn't something Nicki set out to do; it just sort of
happened when she realized writing reports was by far her favorite part
of her investment consulting position. She traded stock allocation and
diversification for story arcs and dialogue and now weaves her creative
writing time in with the other activities of her busy life with her
family in the Chicago suburbs. Nicki writes with two goals in mind: #1
to keep the characters realistic, even when their circumstances are
anything but, and #2 to make the reader feel. Her published works
include Three Daves, a light-hearted romantic romp through a 1980s
college campus, Divine Temptation, a romantic novel of angelic
proportions, and short stories “Sway” (available as a single), “I Don’t
Do Valentine’s Day” (part of A Valentine Anthology), and “Impressionism
101” (included in the debut issue of Insatiable: The Magazine of
Paranormal Desire).
Q: Do you remember how/when your interest in writing started?
The first thing I remember writing that made me really proud was a poem
called “Alley Cat,” which I wrote for an assignment in the 5th grade.
Many, many years later, I was reacquainted with my fondness for words at
a job where writing was an important component of the quarterly
investment reports that I prepared for clients. But I didn’t take up
fictional writing in earnest until six years ago, when the Harry Potter
series ended and I was bothered with an idea that just wouldn’t leave me
alone until I had a novel-length fan fiction on my hands. After that, I
was bitten by the love of fiction writing—romance in particular—and
couldn’t stop.
Q: What were the challenges (research, psychological, etc.) in bringing this story or characters to life?
Remembering what daily life was like sans technology was a challenge.
The story is set in the 1980s, which was actually a pretty revolutionary
decade for personal technology with Sony Walkmans (or would that be
Walkmen?) and (ginormous) cell phones hitting the scene, but
insta-communication simply didn’t exist like it does today. That’s
actually one of the reasons I chose to set Three Daves in that time
period—e-stalking didn’t have a place in this story, and Jen is sooo the
type of girl who would’ve e-stalked—but I had to double-check
everything technology-wise to make sure it was authentically 80s.
the slang right was also trickier than I’d expected. Beyond “awesome”
and “cool beans” I wasn’t sure what was 80s and what didn’t come around
until the 90s, at least not words that we actually used in the
Midwest—“gnarly” and “tubular” weren’t exactly part of our regular
vernacular—so it was fun cruising the 80s websites and reminding myself
of the silly things we used to say, like “grody” and “barf me out.” But
don’t worry, even I have a low tolerance for 80s slang, so it’s only
lightly peppered throughout to add a touch of flavor.
Q: What was the easiest part of writing THREE DAVES?
Probably the sex scenes. Those came pretty easily (no pun intended…or
was it?) but I’m sure that’s only because when I wrote them I had no
aspirations of getting published and being read by people I know. I was
just writing for fun. Had I known then that the story would one day make
its way off my computer and into the wide world, I’m sure I would’ve
been more stifled, which I’m very happy didn’t happen.
Q: What is your favorite scene or was your favorite to write? Don’t forget to tell us why.
Wow, this is a shockingly difficult question to answer. The scenes
mentioned above are some of my favorites, but if I have to pick just
one, I’ll say Chapter 28, which is one long scene and was the first to
clearly come to me. I drafted a version of this chapter before writing
anything else, and the rest of the story developed around it. But as
plot details revealed themselves, I’d go back and revise—I can’t even
tell you how many times I revisited that chapter. Note that I didn’t
tell you anything about what actually happens in the scene—sorry, no can
do, too many spoilers—but I’ll tell you that what I love about it is
the raw, honest, exposed emotion.
Q: What’s next for you writing wise that you can share with us?
I’m working on an office romance of the chick lit variety. It’s pretty
naughty, but in a sweet and funny kind of way. After being immersed in
my most recent novel, Divine Temptation, which is more serious and
darker-themed than Three Daves, I felt the need to return to light and
fluffy for a while. But I’ll probably swing back to darker again after
this one—I was surprised by how much I enjoyed delving into horror
elements of DT. I guess I’m sort of a literary seesaw.
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