August 11, 2013

Book Blitz & Giveaway: This Reckless & Unreasonable Love


This Reckless & Unreasonable Love
Author: Kayley J. Higgins
Published By: SideStreet Cookie Publishing


Esmeralda Grant, or Esme as her friends know her, has spent all of high school waiting to get out of her house and live with her boyfriend Peter Campbell. Away from her drug addict mother and her abusive alcoholic boyfriend. Away from the hopeless life she’s lead. Then her world suddenly changes.  
Esme and Peter go see a local band play one Saturday night and the last song they play changes her. The band sings about Someone Who loves her, no matter what she’s done, and Who will always love her.  
As she learns more, she changes and so does everything and everyone around her. She loses friends and gains new ones. She begins to really care for herself and the life growing in her body. Her life is turned upside down but the new Constant in her life pushes her to become the woman she was designed to be. She holds on to the only thing pulling her out of the darkness, into the light: This Reckless & Unreasonable Love.

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Kayley Higgins has been writing for longer than she can remember. She loves her Jesus and her husband. Inspiration can strike anywhere so she always carries a notebook and pencils with her. Kayley was homeschooled from the third grade until she graduated. Her writing skills improved with a writing curriculum her mother got for her and she's progressed ever since. She lives in South Carolina with her wonderful husband and their hyper Miniature Pinscher.

Links:  -CreateSpace book link

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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