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Omnific Character Smackdown
Personality Type: Swoony and Sensitive
Book Title: Passion Fish
Author: Alison Oburia and Jessica McQuinn
Author Links:
Author Website: www.alisonoburia.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alison.oburia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alisonoburia
Buy Links: Amazon / Barnes and Noble
Book Description:
With $3 million for the Santa Barbara Museum of Art on the line, curator Eve Carwyn hardly has time to focus on the state of her love life. Struggling to escape the clutches of a creepy ex and looking to add some adventure to her personal life, Eve is off on a much needed escape, and a business trip to Boston. But before she goes, her pack of dedicated girlfriends plan a send-off party that includes mind-bending kisses from not one, but two, sensational -- yet anonymous – partners. Will a chance encounter and a searing kiss somehow end in a love match? Will her career take off or lie in ruins when the grant results are in? Join Eve on her whirlwind journey through intrigue and ingenuity, terror and true love. Once the passion fishing starts, her life will never be the same.
Passion Fish is one part romance and one part heart pounding thriller. An innocent game of sexy distraction ignites a spark of love and a dangerous obsession in this exciting debut novel from Alison Oburia and Jessica McQuinn. Oburia and McQuinn offer an intriguing, suspenseful spin on the games people play when it comes to love, and the surprising lengths to which they’ll go to earn it... and to keep it.
“That was subtle.”
Will couldn’t tell yet if Eve’s sarcasm was biting or coy. Then he saw her face—the confusion in her eyes. It hurt him that he had been the one to put that look there.
“So, let me get this straight,” Eve started. Will thought it was a good sign that she was still talking to him. “You’re Camille Townsend’s son. You’re the owner of Townsend Industries, and you were likely a key decision-maker on the grant committee. Do I have that all right?” She tilted her head as she looked at him, still not even a hint of a smile.
She was angry. Will knew her anger was justified.
“What did you know about me—or even figure out about me before I stood up to speak this evening?” Will challenged her. He wanted to make her see that he was still the same Will Prentiss she had laughed and talked with earlier in the week.
“I’m not entirely sure. I didn’t think you were deceptive or evasive, but now…”
“I thought you had me all figured out the other night at dinner.” Eve looked at him, her eyebrows drawn together in confusion. “When we talked about hating the formality of these functions—of being ‘Mr. Prentiss’ instead of just some guy—I really thought you had me pegged.”
“But you are ‘Mr. Prentiss’ in these circles.”
“Doesn’t make me like it any better. I prefer to get to know people, and have people get to know me, without associating me with money or success or how I look. That’s all Jeannette ever saw in me. Look at her over there!” Will gestured to the dance floor where Jeannette was now dancing slowly—and seductively—with the man Will had just introduced her to. He was still finding new ways to look down her dress, and she was letting him.
“She’ll act like she’s in love with me one minute and then tease some shallow rich guy into her bed the next. You can be sure that guy is getting some tonight! That was one thing I was very glad never happened between us—not that she didn’t scheme to try.”
“So you and she haven’t been together for six months, and you aren’t getting ready to go ring shopping?” Eve finally laughed as she smiled up at him.
Her comments confirmed Will’s suspicions about what Jeannette and Eve had discussed in the ladies’ room. “Uh, definitely not.”
“Mr. Prentiss?” Eve’s smile grew and the sparkle returned to her eyes.
“Yes, Ms. Carwyn?”
“Do you think it would be acceptable for the president of Townsend Industries to dance with the winner of the grant? Strictly business, of course.”
“Yes, and no.” Will made a point to look into her eyes, wanting her to see how attracted he was to her. “Yes, I think that would be acceptable, but no, I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to keep things strictly business.”
Character Bio:
Will Prentiss is the only son of a famous clothing designer. He’s a self-made millionaire in his own right as an inventor. He established a company and foundation under his mother’s maiden name, Townsend, and provides multi-million dollar grants to museums yearly. He lives in Boston, where he’s known as quite the bachelor that no woman can catch. He’s in his early thirties.
1. What is your ideal woman like?
I’ll admit I am attracted to beautiful, successful women. My ideal woman needs to be both as well as one who can keep me guessing. I like a challenge; I like working to get a woman’s attention and
affection. A woman too easy to win usually isn’t worth winning after all.
2. What do you like the least about yourself?
Sometimes I have to “put on airs” when trying to raise money for the Townsend Industries Foundation. It’s so not me, but if laughing at bad jokes made by Donald Trump-types and being “sold” as a bachelor to the Junior League will result in seven-figure donations, I’ll do it.
3. What are the three most important things in life to you?
Maintaining the family foundation and what it stands for, being an honest businessman, giving people a chance.
4. What music is on your playlist right now?
I’m afraid you’ll find me a bit of a bore. My grandfather raised me on Frank Sinatra. I’m at least a little more current by listening to Harry Connick, Jr. Justin Timberlake’s latest is pretty good too. I have a favorite CD by Lila Marin—her music is featured in Passion Fish. You won’t find her, though. Instead, look for Emmy Rossum’s “Inside Out” CD (Lila’s the fictional version of Emmy).
5. What is your favorite curse/dirty word?
I got my mouth washed out many a time for saying “damn” and “hell” as a boy (my grandfather’s influence), but those are still the extent to which I’ll use profanity. I find I can be much more effective using money as a way to show my displeasure at something.
6. How do you seduce and/or excite a woman?
The art of surprise is a huge turn-on for me. Because I have financial means, I am able to whisk a woman off to a private island for a romantic weekend, or I’ll simply send her a small, inexpensive gift that I know will mean something to her. I like to caress before I kiss. A woman’s skin is amazing to me; I don’t rush into sex, but rather I savor each touch and enjoy building the desire until both of us can barely hold back. I’m sure that’s why the Passion Fish game was so enticing; I was already attracted to Eve from a distance. To move in slowly, anonymously, seductively…that first kiss we shared was fantastic because of the build-up.
7. Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever made love?
On a large rug under Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring when it was on display at the Boston Museum of Art. Luckily, I had access to the
security cameras for the room it was in and was able to erase that portion of the tape the following morning.
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