November 22, 2013

Book Blitz + Giveaway: Alive by Megan D. Martin


Alive (Crave #1)
Author: Megan D. Martin
Genre: New Adult Post-Apocalyptic Romance
Release Date: November 22, 2013

Buy Links: Amazon / Smashwords 

Flesh-eating zombies, dirty sex, and a shattered past…
What’s more dangerous—the man who broke her heart or those trying to eat it?

Fighting to survive, Eve finds herself alone in the world after the Crave—the only parallel of her former life. On the hunt for her sister, she runs into Gage—the first and only boy to have her heart and break it. It’s been four years and he isn’t a boy anymore, nor is he the same person he used to be. Against her better judgment, Eve agrees to stay with him when he divulges information on a safe haven near the small town they grew up in—but that doesn’t mean she has to like it…

Returning home elicits a myriad of emotions that both Eve and Gage thought they had buried. The past and present collide and they are forced to the face bitter deceits that ruined them in the before and threaten to destroy them now…

Here it is. The end of her life. Eve always knew it would come, and that it would be exactly like this. With a swarm of dead flesh and tangling limbs. She knew it wouldn’t be peaceful when she reached a ripe old age, holding her grandchild’s hand, and telling stories that he or she had already heard a million times. No, she knew that had never been in the cards for her. Not with the way the world had crumbled four years ago.

People had died in waves, the sickness ravaging their bodies within days, some within hours. It wouldn’t have been so bad if they had died and actually stayed dead. Yes, that would have been idyllic. But they didn’t. Once the virus had destroyed them, they came back, a shell of their former self—a jenk. At least that’s what Eve called them. They were what bedtime stories and bad TV shows tried to create before the Crave came. Zombies.

Megan D. Martin is a multi-published author, mother, student and editor. In her spare time she enjoys decorating her house with strange things that do not match, playing her old school Nintendo Entertainment System, and buying fish for her many fish tanks.

Author Links:
Blitz Wide Giveaway: $10 Amazon gift card - Open Internationally!
a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Look forward to reading. Thank you for the giveaway.

  2. Sounds like a great read. Is this the beginning of a series?

