February 5, 2014

Cover Reveal + Giveaway: Kissing Eden by T.A. Foster


Kissing Eden
Author: T.A. Foster
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Expected Release Date: March 6, 2014


Have you ever thought of taking a vacation alone? I mean step on a plane, check into your hotel, and lie on the beach completely and utterly alone. No? Me either, but then right before senior spring break I got dumped.
Something about break ups makes you do things you didn’t want to do, and try things you didn’t know you were capable of.

That’s how I ended up at the Palm Palace.
That’s how I met Grey.
That’s how my spring break turned into the most unforgettable week of my life. 

T.A. Foster is a Southern girl whose heart and spirit are connected to the beach. She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children and two canine kiddos.

Her long love affair with books started at an early age, and as soon as she was able, she transformed imaginative stories into words on paper. Time Spell is T.A.’s debut novel, and the first in a series about a very adventurous, clever, and magical girl named Ivy.

T.A. has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University. When she’s not chasing her two-legged and four-legged children or trying to escape for date night, you can find her reading, writing or planning her next beach trip. 

Author Links: 
Blog: http://www.tafosterauthor.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tafosterwriter
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TAFosterauthor
Author Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7164289.T_A_Foster

Giveaway: Win a $20 Amazon Gift Card and ebook copy of LONDON FALLING! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What do you think of the cover? Leave a comment!



  1. Love the cover and the synopsis sounds interesting. Thank you for the giveaway :)

  2. This does look like a fantastic read.

  3. I've taken a few mini-vacations by myself and must say it can be *blissful* to be on your own timetable and do exactly the things that YOU want to do.

    1. And the cover design works well for me. The couple clearly are somewhere beachy, and they're certainly conveying the "kissing" part of the title.
