March 20, 2014

Mental Health Giveaway Hop!

Welcome to my stop on the Mental Health Giveaway Hop! This hop is being hosted by I Am A Reader & Reading in Twilight, and will run from March 20th until midnight on March 27th. Make sure to check out the linky at the bottom of the post to enter more awesome giveaways!

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you'll know by now that I personally suffer from mental illness, along with my stance on mental health and society. I believe that the topic is still taboo in our culture and not enough understanding and information is being presented about the various forms of mental illness. Those of us who suffer on a daily basis from these illnesses know the embarrassment and (sometimes) shame that you feel when people find out. 

In my opinion, one of the most taboo and misunderstood forms of mental illness is self-harm or self-mutilation. Self-harming is a coping mechanism that people with a wide variety of mental illnesses use. There are tons of myths surrounding self harm, including the belief that people who self-harm are attempting suicide or that they self-harm for attention. In reality, the majority of self-harm is done in secret with nobody ever finding out. Also, it's not a suicide attempt - it is a coping mechanism used for temporary relief of overwhelming feelings such as depression, anxiety, or anger. I know this personally because I self-harm due to my mental illnesses. There are sites on the Internet that deal with self-harm and I encourage you to learn more about it if you aren't familiar with it or if you know someone who does self-harm.

Anyways, in light of my stance on self-harm, which often takes the form of cutting, I will be giving away (1) ebook copy of Scars by Cheryl Rainfield or Cut by Patricia McCormick - winner's choice. Both of these books feature cutting and other mental health issues. Click on the covers to go to the Goodreads page and then enter below! 

1. This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY as long as you can receive an ebook from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
2. NO CHEATING! I check all entries and anyone caught cheating is immediately disqualified.
3. The winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.

Good Luck!


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