Fan Art
Author: Sarah Tregay
Release Date: June 17, 2014
Publisher: Harper Teen
Summary from Goodreads:
When the picture tells the story…
Senior year is almost over, and Jamie Peterson has a big problem. Not college—that’s all set. Not prom—he’ll find a date somehow. No, it’s the worst problem of all: he’s fallen for his best friend.
As much as Jamie tries to keep it under wraps, everyone seems to know where his affections lie, and the giggling girls in art class are determined to help Jamie get together with Mason. But Jamie isn’t sure if that’s what he wants—because as much as Jamie would like to come clean to Mason, what if the truth ruins everything? What if there are no more road trips, taco dinners, or movie nights? Does he dare risk a childhood friendship for romance?
This book is about what happens when a picture reveals what we can’t say, when art is truer than life, and how falling in love is easy, except when it’s not. Fan Art explores the joys and pains of friendship, of pressing boundaries, and how facing our worst fears can sometimes lead us to what we want most.

Chapter Four
No. No, no. No.
I did not just do
that. I can’t believe I just did that! Mason and I have been friends
since third grade, and I have never looked at him like that. Other guys,
yeah, but not him. It should be in the Bible. Thou shalt not check out
thy best friend.
I wait a minute to catch my breath and the last
shred of my sanity before I follow Mason into the locker room. I head
for the sinks and splash water onto my face in an attempt to straighten
out my thoughts. I’m okay with bent thoughts—I have them all the
time—but checking out Mason? That’s going too far. He’s my best friend.
And everyone knows friend crushes are the worst—even guy-girl friend
crushes—drama, angst, broken hearts, you name it. It’s bad—real bad. And
straight-guy-gay-guy friend crushes? I don’t even want to think about
that apocalypse.
I take a deep breath and watch as the water collects along my upper lip. I mouth the words, Mason. Is. Not. Cute.
Available from:
Amazon * Barnes and Noble * Kobo * Book Depository
Raised without television, Sarah Tregay started writing her own middle grade novels after she had read all of the ones in the library. She later discovered YA books, but never did make it to the adult section. When she's not jotting down poems at stoplights, she can be found hanging out with her "little sister" from Big Brothers Big Sisters. Sarah lives in Eagle, Idaho with her husband, two Boston Terriers, and an appaloosa named Mr. Pots. Her next book, Fan Art, will be released in June.
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