January 18, 2024

Isn't She Great Blog Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the ISN'T SHE GREAT by Elizabeth Teets Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


ISN'T SHE GREAT: Writers on Women Led Comedies from 9 to 5 to Booksmart
Author: Elizabeth Teets (Edited By)
Release Date: January 16, 2024
Publisher: Read Furiously
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 142

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, B&N, Indigo, BAM, Bookshop, Powell's, Blackwells 


A love letter to women-led comedies. 

Based on Elizabeth Teets’s program series called “Isn’t She Great” at the Hollywood  Theater, this anthology is a collection of the most beloved female-centric comedies and the  audiences who adore them. From 9 to 5 to Romy and Michele to the iconic Elle Woods, the  essays in this collection build on our devotion to these films and continue the conversation  around funny women and how these characters have shaped so many talented writers. 

As Elizabeth Teets reminds us, there is a specific power in a funny woman. A woman who  dares to laugh at the world and at herself. These movies made us strong and smart and  sexy (and bend and snap a lot). At the end of the day, we remind ourselves when the world  only tries to let us have a little - a little money, a little confidence, a little joy - to go out and  get the whole enchilada. 

Isn’t She Great is for anyone who loves movies and feels the glamour in pink. Cult cinema  and film criticism will never be the same. 

“You Must Always Have Faith in Yourself - Legally Blonde, and My Mommy, and Me”

Legally Blonde was the first movie I saw my mother truly love. This was not to say she didn’t love other movies - there were many she did. Growing up, my mother had a small collection of VHS tapes she loved that she would let me watch regularly. But none of them compared for how much she seemed to love Legally Blonde.

Despite her very refined palette for cinema, I don’t think she ever considered film an interest of hers. And although she may not have realized it, my mother had curated in our living room a sophisticated collection of the finest 90s and early aughts cult classics. We had copies of Mermaids, She’s All That, A Very Brady Sequel, and Tommy Boy. But Legally Blonde, oh she loved that movie.

At ten years old, I took notice of how Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, Legally Blonde’s perky sorority girl, made my mother laugh. I love anything that makes my mother laugh. After seeing my mother latch onto a piece of candy pink cinema filled with outfits, I too became obsessed with the film. As a future comedian, I paid attention to anything that made my favorite person laugh.

I also love Legally Blonde - it is undoubtedly my favorite movie. I know every line, every outfit, and every major decision I have ever made in my life has been while driving in my 2006 Kia Optima while listening to the absolute banger of a soundtrack. Elle Woods is the best character within modern cinema. She is layered, complicated, fabulously styled, unable to be bamboozled and full of grit. I was lucky enough to grow up with my own Elle Woods, my mom..

…At my mother’s beginning, or at least the beginning as it concerns me, her daughter who watched her every move, she was a single mom who had me at nineteen. This meant as a child I got to see her early twenties, her own Elle Woods years. Although she was never a member of a sorority with a tiny dog, I can’t imagine people talked to her that differently. Aren’t all stereotypes we put onto women pretty much the same?

Elizabeth Teets is an Oregon born writer, comedian, screenwriter, and  fashionista. Her work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, New York  Times, Repeller, Catapult, Reductress, and more. She lives in Los Angeles  where she is waiting for her group chat to respond.

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Isn't She Great Contributors 

Megan J. Kaleita is an essayist and memoirist living in the PAC Northwest. Her debut essay collection, This  Book is Brought to You By My Student Loans is available through Clash Books. Her work has appeared in  Ravishly, Hello Horror, Daily Drunk Mag, Luna Station Quarterly, and Lady Spike. Do not ask her for coffee. She  won’t get it for you. 

Samantha Mann is a Brooklyn based essayist. She is the author of Putting Out: Essays on Otherness. She  edited the anthology, I Feel Love: Notes on Queer Joy.  

Meg Walters is a Canadian-British writer currently living in London. Her writing has appeared in GQ, The  Daily Beast, Vulture, Cosmopolitan, Glamour and others. She is a great lover of classic films, rom-coms,  period dramas, pop culture, books and style and tries to write about them all as often as possible. Find her  on Twitter @wordsbymeg 

Toju Adelaja is a Nigerian-British writer and chick-flick connoisseur. Her work has appeared in publications  such as Glamour U.K. and Black Ballad.  

Ella Gale is a writer, director, and comedian in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in McSweeney’s,  Reductress, and the Hard Times. 

Michele Theil is a journalist focusing on culture, race, LGBT+ issues and investigative pieces. She has been  published in VICE, Insider, Glamour, and others. She watches all the Bring It On movies at least once a  year. 

Lana Schwartz is a writer who was born and raised in New York City, where she continues to live today.  Her work has been published on The New Yorker, McSweeney’s, Shondaland, Glamour, InStyle, and more. Her  book “Build Your Own Romantic Comedy” was released by Ulysses Press in March 2020. For more about  Lana - as well as instructions on how to pronounce her name - visit www.lanalikebanana.com. 

Yaël Krinsky is writer and comedian based in Boston, where she works in TV and Film Production. She  holds a writing and performance degree from Bard College. She currently lives with her dog Midge. 

(1) winner will receive a finished copy of ISN'T SHE GREAT - US Only.

Ends January 31st, midnight EST.

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Two Chicks on Books

Guest Post



IG Post


#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Spotlight/IG Post


Kountry Girl Bookaholic

Guest Post/IG Post


Lady Hawkeye

Excerpt/IG Post



Guest Post/IG Post


A Dream Within A Dream




Excerpt/IG Post


Rajiv's Reviews

Review/IG Post



IG Review

Week Two:



IG Review


Confessions of the Perfect Mom

Review/IG Post



IG Review


Lisa-Queen of Random

Review/IG Post


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post


Kim's Book Reviews and Writing Aha's

Review/IG Post



IG Review


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Spotlight


Books With a Chance

Review/IG Post


The Momma Spot


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