May 17, 2013

Imposter Blog Tour: Interview & Giveaway

Imposter (Variants #1)
Author: Susanne Winnacker
Genre: YA Fantasy/Thriller
Release Date: May 28, 2013
Publisher: Razorbill


Can Tessa pose as Madison . . . and stop a killer before it’s too late?

Tessa is a Variant, able to absorb the DNA of anyone she touches and mimic their appearance. Shunned by her family, she’s spent the last two years training with the Forces with Extraordinary Abilities, a secret branch of the FBI. When a serial killer rocks a small town in Oregon, Tessa is given a mission: she must impersonate Madison, a local teen, to find the killer before he strikes again.

Tessa hates everything about being an impostor—the stress, the danger, the deceit—but loves playing the role of a normal girl. As Madison, she finds friends, romance, and the kind of loving family she’d do anything to keep. Amid action, suspense, and a ticking clock, this super-human comes to a very human conclusion: even a girl who can look like anyone struggles the most with being herself.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I studied law but needed a creative outlet, so I started writing, and a few years later I became a fulltime writer. I’m married to a wonderful man, and have a dog (a Komondor) and two bunnies. I love cooking. The husband and I follow a vegan diet at home and love discovering new food! We travel a lot – it’s wonderful to experience new countries and cultures! I’m obsessed with Dexter and The Big Bang Theory.

2. Do you have a favorite book or author? If so, what makes them a favorite of yours?

Yes! J.K. Rowling. I’ve devoured her books. The world she created feels just so real. I’m still convinced that Hogwarts exists. Before I found the Harry Potter books (as an early teen), I only read adult books, mainly Stephen King and Dean Koontz. But Harry Potter convinced me that YA and middle grade books are wonderful, and now I’m hooked!

3. How did you get into writing?
As I mentioned above, I needed a distraction from my law studies. I hated every second of being a law student, but I wanted to get my degree, so I didn’t give up. Writing really helped me back then. It made me happy, and still does.
I’m incredibly grateful that I’m allowed to be a fulltime writer!

4. What has been the most exciting experience being a writer?
Hm, that’s really hard to say. Of course getting an offer from Razorbill for Impostor has been a wonderful and very exciting moment. And then there was the day I met my agent and my editor! That was very special as well. But sometimes the small things – like getting an email from a fan is even more exciting! It’s why I’m writing after all!

5. Do you have any regrets about becoming a writer? If so, what are they?
No, not really. I would turn my back on law again and become a fulltime writer. It’s my dream job. Maybe I’d be a bit more patient at the beginning. I rushed some things when I started querying my first book in 2010. Today I’d take more time for some decisions.

6. What inspired you to write Impostor?
I can’t really pinpoint what exactly inspired me. For me characters come first. I had a girl in mind who could turn into other people and who ended up playing the role of a murder victim. I developed the rest of the plot around that central idea.

7. What are you working on now?
I’m editing the sequel to Impostor, but I’m also working on a middle grade novel and another YA unrelated to Impostor. I always have several projects going at the same time. Keeps thing interesting!

8. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
Never give up! And a query tip: If you get an offer, don’t immediately accept! Give the other agents who have your query/material time to read and offer. Sometimes it takes time to find the right agent. 

A huge thank you to Susanne for stopping by the blog today and answering my questions!

Susanne Winnacker studied law before she became a full-time writer. She lives with her husband, a dog and three bunnies in Germany. She loves coffee (in every shape and form), traveling and animals.
When she isn't writing, you can usually find her in the kitchen, experimenting with new vegan dishes.
Her YA thriller IMPOSTOR will be published on May 28, 2013. It has been optioned for TV by Warner Brothers!
I don't read messages on Goodreads. If you want to contact me, please send me an email to this address: books(at)susannewinnacker(dot)com

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I really won't want to be an Imposter! Kinda creepy but cool to read about! :) AMAZING Giveaway! :) This book sounds really good!

  2. I would be an imposter for ONE day. I would become Amy Adams on a movie set to see what it was like to be an actress. But only for a day as I really like me and don't want to be anyone else!


  3. I don't think I would want to be one either. It wouldn't be me! But I love to read something like that!!

  4. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    I'd LOVE to be an impostor! You do a lot of good and you can live all these different lives in a way.

    I'd be an impostor for a musician for a day, a singer, see what if feels like to perform in front of a wonderful crowd:))

    Thank you:)

  5. Because I'm so jealous of their voices because they are so amazing I think I would probably be an imposter of Adele or Elle Goulding. For one day I would like to be an imposter of each of them and sing at least one song live. That would be cool. :D

  6. love the interview!!! I cannot wait to read:)

  7. I would choose Jennifer Lawrence! She has a great life right now and is beautiful! I also think she could get any man she wants right now.

  8. Lisa Bonet and have some face to face with Jason Momoa
