Vulture (The Ferryman & The Flame #3)
Author: Rhiannon Paille
Genre: YA Fantasy
Expected Release Date: June 18, 2013
Cover Design by Mae I Design
How far would you go to betray everything you've ever known?
Kaliel didn't think second chances came with this much turmoil. Exiled from her home, surrounded by strangers and in love with a boy she barely recognizes, she can't take it. She has her best friend, a new mentor, and a chance to win the war against the Valtanyana, but it's all wrong. Desperate to salvage some semblance of her former life, she makes a deal that shatters everything.
Check out the first two books in the series:
Rhi was never a normal girl. Her life was an urban fantasy wrapped
in a paranormal romance and served with a side of horror. To escape her
everyday weirdness she began writing fantasy. She studied at U of Sedona
and MIMT, obtaining a PhD in Metaphysical Science and Parapsychology.
She's married to a chef/comic book shop owner and has a fondness
for architecture. She frequents twitter and facebook, but if you really
want to get to know her you should visit her site: www.yafantasyauthor.com
Author Links:
Website: http://www.yafantasyauthor.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RhiannonPaille
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rhiannonpaille
BOOK BLITZ: Xpresso Tours is organizing a release day blitz for Vulture on June
18th, so if you are interested in participating, head on over to sign up! http://www.xpressobooktours.com/2013/06/blitz-sign-up-vulture-by-rhiannon-paille.html
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