Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for THE GRACES! I have a fun guest post by the author to share with you today - and don't forget to enter the giveaway! To follow the rest of the tour, check out the schedule at the end of the post. Enjoy!

Author: Laure Eve
Pub. Date: September 6, 2016
Publisher: Amulet Books
Pages: 352
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Audiobook
Find it: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads
When a glamorous family of teenage witches brings a mysterious new girl into their fold, they unwittingly nurture a powerful black magic that could destroy them all. This paranormal YA fantasy features intrigue, spells, and a devastating twist. In The Graces, the first rule of witchcraft states that if you want something badly enough, you can get it . . . no matter who has to pay.
Everyone loves the Graces. Fenrin, Thalia, and Summer Grace are captivating, wealthy, and glamorous. They’ve managed to cast a spell over not just their high school but also their entire town—and they’re rumored to have powerful connections all over the world. If you’re not in love with one of them, you want to be them. Especially River: the loner, new girl at school. She’s different from her peers, who both revere and fear the Grace family. She wants to be a Grace more than anything. But what the Graces don’t know is that River’s presence in town is no accident.
This fabulously addictive fantasy combines sophisticated and haunting prose with a gut-punching twist that readers will be dying to discuss. Perfect for fans of We Were Liars as well as nostalgic classics like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the 1996 movie The Craft, The Graces marks the beginning of a new wave of teen witches.
Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About THE GRACES
1. The landscape of THE GRACES is inspired by the place I grew up in - Cornwall in the southwest of England. If the book makes it sound like The Wicker Man, that’s because it kind of is.
2. There’s a tiny ‘easter egg’ connection between THE GRACES and the first two books I wrote. I think only die-hard fans will spot it…
3. One of the Graces is called Thalia - a deliberate nod to the original Charites of Greek mythology (Graces in Roman mythology).
4. I choose character names quite carefully. Sometimes they give you clues. Sometimes they’re references to a book or movie or person I admire. Sometimes they will only ever mean something to me…
5. The scene near the beginning of the book in the school copse is a little nod to The Crucible.
6. Summer’s preoccupation with band t-shirts is a shameless reference to myself. Thalia’s description of a t-shirt with skulls on it is a particular one I own.
7. There is not a single reference to what River actually looks like.
8. There is not a single reference to River’s real name.
9. If I could have written whole chapters about the food the Graces eat, I would have. I like food a lot.
10. Remember the Four Bells story. It will become important.
A French-British hybrid who grew up in Cornwall, a place saturated with myth and fantasy. Being a child of two cultures taught her everything she needed to know about trying to fit in at the same time as trying to stand out.
She speaks English and French, and can hold a vague conversation, usually about food, in Greek.
A random selection of favourite things: Terry Pratchett quotes, characters with questionable morals, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Häagen-Dazs cookie dough ice cream, anything Trent Reznor is remotely involved in even if it only extends to 'he once touched this artist's arm', bad 90s dance music and anything a bit weird (see: Davids Lynch and Cronenberg).
(3) winners will receive a finished copy of THE GRACES and Temporary Tattoos - US Only!
Week One:
8/22/2016- Quite the Novel Idea- Interview
8/23/2016- Novel Novice- Review
8/24/2016- Stories & Sweeties- Excerpt
8/25/2016- Fiction Fare- Review
8/26/2016- A Dream Within A Dream- Guest post
Week Two:
9/5/2016- Tales of the Ravenous Reader- Review
9/6/2016- a GREAT read- Character Interview
9/7/2016- All Things Urban Fantasy- Review
9/8/2016- The Cover Contessa- Interview
9/9/2016- Ex Libris- Review
This really looks like a great read!!!!