Author: Jillian Boehme
Genre: YA Fantasy/Dragons
Release Date: September 10, 2019
Publisher: Tor Teen
A combat warrior will risk everything to awaken the dragons and save
her kingdom in Jillian Boehme's epic YA Fantasy debut, Stormrise,
inspired by Twelfth Night and perfect for fans of Tamora Pierce.
If Rain weren’t a girl, she would be respected as a Neshu combat master.
Instead, her gender dooms her to a colorless future. When an army of
nomads invades her kingdom, and a draft forces every household to send
one man to fight, Rain takes her chance to seize the life she wants.
Knowing she’ll be killed if she’s discovered, Rain purchases powder made
from dragon magic that enables her to disguise herself as a boy. Then
she hurries to the war camps, where she excels in her training—and
wrestles with the voice that has taken shape inside her head. The voice
of a dragon she never truly believed existed.
As war looms and Rain is enlisted into an elite, secret unit tasked with
rescuing the High King, she begins to realize this dragon tincture may
hold the key to her kingdom’s victory. For the dragons that once guarded
her land have slumbered for centuries...and someone must awaken
them to fight once more.
1. JANE AUSTEN I’m listing these alphabetically, but Jane belongs on top, anyway—she’s my favorite author of all time. NORTHANGER ABBEY is the only one of her novels I don’t adore, and PRIDE AND PREJUDICE is my number one favorite novel.
2. LEIGH BARDUGO I was late to the Grishaverse, having only read the SHADOW AND BONE trilogy last year. The SIX OF CROWS duology slew me, and I’m looking forward to the NIKOLAI duology!
3. NANCY BILYEAU She grabbed my heart with THE CROWN and never let go. THE BLUE is patiently waiting on my current TBR.
4. RAE CARSON Such a gorgeous fantasy voice! THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS trilogy is one of my favorite fantasies.
5. SUZANNE COLLINS I can’t even express how excited I am about her upcoming Panem novel!
6. KATHERINE KURTZ I grew up reading her DERYNI books, which are part of the foundation of my love for fantasy and my desire to write it.
7. PATRICIA MCKILLIP Same as above. THE RIDDLEMASTER OF HED is one of my all-time favorites.
8. MARY E. PEARSON Not only do I adore THE REMNANT CHRONICLES and DANCE OF THIEVES (and am dying to read VOW OF THIEVES, just out), but also Mary inspires me with her fearlessness and energy as a woman of a “certain age” in the publishing industry. I want to be her when I grow up! ;)
9. RUTA SEPETYS Her gorgeous prose drew me right in. BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY and OUT OF THE EASY are two books that shouldn’t be missed (SALT TO THE SEA is also languishing on my TBR pile).
10. JRR TOLKIEN Of course. But to clarify—it’s LORD OF THE RINGS I adore. I’ve tried, truly, to sink my teeth into THE SILMARILLION and others. And I couldn’t. Perhaps I should try one more time.

All the info for the preorder campaign is here: www.jillianboehme.com/preorder
A direct link to ordering SIGNED/PERSONALIZED COPIES is here: https://www.parnassusbooks.net/stormrise
Win (1) of (4) finished copies of STORMRISE by Jillian Boehme (US Only)
Starts: September 10, 2019
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