January 16, 2020

Child of Kitarra Blog Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway

Child of Kitarra (Sanarii Chronicles #1)

Author: Andrea Gibb
Publication Date: November 30, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC


Book one of the Sanarii Chronicles

In Kitarra, an old force is escaping and slowly destroying the Kitarrans. Once it is free, the old spirits will die and the magic of the world will unbalance, collapsing into darkness. But the knowledge to stop it has been lost, its secrets buried and stolen. A prophecy speaks of a child who will bring balance… 

The last sanarii -

Eva, the last true sanarii, uses her forbidden magic despite the risks, not realizing she could irrevocably affect the destinies of Jullayans and Kitarrans alike. Yet caught in the machinations of the Guardians and their prophecy, can she protect those she loves from the menace of dark magic threatening not just Kitarra, but all who value goodness and light?

And her hero prince -

When Illiah learned he was not just a hero, he was also the lost prince. He came to court with one thing in mind: he sought to arm Jullayah against any further attacks from the monstrous invaders. And in a land where magic is forbidden, he has secrets to hide. But when he finds himself falling into the secrets of a woman unlike any other, he must choose to fight for her and risk everything … or lose her forever.

You can purchase Child of Kitarra at the following Retailers:

“I want to find answers about Dweller’s Knoll. And about Serac.”

“The Crow’s man?”

“I guess you could call him that.”

Tayeh looked uneasy, but he reached into his pocket and took out the little bowl made from gold, a tool used by the sanarii magi of old.

“Thank you,” Eva said, taking it in her hands, feeling the weight of it. It would be heavier after she filled it with water from the hot-spring creek nearby. When Eva returned, bowl filled, years of experience keeping the water from sloshing over the brim, Tayeh looked even more grim. Eva took out the handkerchief marked with the black feather of the Goddess.

Tayeh took out his knife and cut a piece from the stolen cloth and placed it in the water where it sunk to the bottom of the bowl.

Tayeh had taught Eva as a child to use the bowl to find clarity within the flood of visions in the simul rami. It was a tool to focus her magic, and combined with an item, could be used to focus on a particular subject. Serac was the object of Eva’s curiosity for the moment. She needed to know why she had been forced into a loveless union, forbidding any chance of love. Over summer, observing Serac, dancing with him, Eva could only feel bitterness that their secret betrothal had been dissolved. If he was evil, she could not see it.

Eva looked into the bowl. Or the bowl looked into her - she couldn’t tell which. The bright ripples of the simul rami disappeared, replaced by thick, black smoke. It twisted up into her nose, her eyes, between her teeth. She was sinking. She couldn’t speak; she could hardly breathe.

A brilliant gold flash dissolved the ominous murk instantly. Something hot and wet hit Eva’s hands. Tayeh had knocked over the bowl, spilling the water onto the moss and Eva.

“What was that?” Eva asked, taking a deep breath.

Tayeh looked … afraid. Deeply afraid.

“It is what I feared. Do not go near that man,” Tayeh whispered loudly.

“Tayeh, what kind of magic was that? It felt like - it felt like the dead man in Dweller’s Knoll.”

Tayeh shook his head slowly.

“We will not speak of it.”

“But why? I need to know - the magic - it’s not like mine,” Eva implored.

“No, Eva. Somethings are best left unspoken. Somethings are best left buried,” Tayeh said. “Forget about Dweller’s Knoll - and stay away from Serac.”

And for the first time, the tone of his voice made Eva fall silent. Her desperate questions died upon her tongue, but inside her apprehension writhed like a caged beast. Tayeh was her teacher, her mentor. She respected him with a depth that put the ocean to shame. She would abide by his command.

Copyright © 2018 by Andrea Gibb

Photo Content from Andrea Gibb

When not writing fantasy, Andrea Gibb can be found wandering in the forest with her dog, working on her barn-house or hanging out with her kids. She lives in the wild of Sumas Mountain, British Columbia with her husband, their two sons, and an assortment of furry creatures.
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